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Video and photography consent form

A copy of this form should be retained by the contributor and the Communications Team or the Digital Content Coordinator.

If the person photographed is under 18, the Consent Form for Video and Photography for children under 18 years should be completed.

    Company/organiser (“the Organiser”): South West Environmental Parks Ltd


    Name of production (“the Production”): SWEPL promotional photography



    Description of involvement: Image to be featured in promotional materials

    Contributor information


    By ticking this box, I, the contributor (details above), grant South West Environmental Parks Ltd (SWEPL) permission to take images and to use them for the promotion of the zoos’ activities for the production as stated above. I understand that the images may be used in all and any media, including without limitation, in printed publications, promotional material or online, in their original format or edited/altered in any way.





    I consent to SWEPL storing and using copies of the images for the purposes described above and to SWEPL storing my contact details in their databases should they need to contact me.

    I understand that images on websites can be viewed throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom and that some overseas countries may not provide the same level of protection to the rights of individuals as EU/UK legislation provides.

    I understand that some images or recordings may be kept permanently once they are published and be kept as an archive of the zoo(s).

    For the purposes of Data Protection legislation SWEPL is the data controller. SWEPL is committed to processing information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. The personal data collected on this form will be held securely and will only be used for administrative purposes.

    You have the right to ask us for a copy of the personal information SWEPL holds about you. You can ask SWEPL to stop using your images at any time, in which case it will not be used in future publications but may continue to appear in publications already in circulation. You can do this by writing to us at Data Protection, Paignton Zoo, Totnes Road, Paignton TQ4 7EU or email [email protected]. If you have any queries or concerns about data protection at SWEPL, please contact us. If you are not happy with the response you receive, you may wish to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at

    I release and discharge SWEPL from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the images, including, without limitation, any and all claims for invasion of privacy, right of publicity and defamation. I have read this consent form carefully and fully understand its meanings and implications.