Paignton Zoo is part of Wild Planet Trust, a charity which makes a global impact by supporting conservation efforts both at home and internationally. By making a donation, you will be helping to support our vital conservation work. Whether you donate a little or a lot, you will be making a real difference to our work.
Donate online
We’ve partnered with our friends at JustGiving to make sure that every penny you donate comes straight back to us. Giving Checkout is a secure, free way for charities to receive donations from supporters.
You can donate using credit/debit cards as well as ApplePay, GooglePay and more.
Donate By Card, Cash or Cheque
It’s easy to donate on your next visit to Paignton Zoo! Simply speak to one of our teams in the entrance or in our shop, who can help you to donate either by cash, card or cheque.
If you live further away, you can also post a cheque for your donation to Paignton Zoo, or contact us and we can send you details to make a bank transfer
Please make all cheques out to ‘South West Environmental Parks Ltd’
Support our Campaigns
We’re currently campaigning to Bring Back the Swamp here at Paignton Zoo, but we need your help!
With your help we can reopen the doors to this once hugely popular exhibition. Donate today and help us reach our £15,000 target
Enrichment is a hugely important component of the care we provide to our animals, and involves using tools and activities to physically and mentally stimulate our animals, encouraging natural behaviours similar to that in their wild habitat. Our keepers have chosen a brilliant selection of enrichment items that are available for you to donate by buying them from our Amazon Wishlist
Make Your Money Go Further
If you’re donating to Paignton Zoo and you’re a UK taxpayer, we may be able to claim an additional 25% of the value of your donation from the government, at absolutely no cost to you.
Let our team know if you’d like to become a Gift Aid Donor
What could my donation achieve?
Use our clever tool below to see just what your donation could do to support Paignton Zoo