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Ongoing updates and improvements

Opening Times

PZ Signage 04 12 ONB LR 29

Paignton Zoo is open to guests from 10am every day (apart from Christmas Day).

Please see our Zoo Updates page for all the latest information prior to your zoo visit.

Closing times vary according to season and Paignton Zoo management reserve the right to close all or parts of Paignton Zoo as required.

To ensure that you are able to visit Paignton Zoo on your preferred date, we suggest booking your tickets in advance. Members may check in using Gate 5.

DATES – Zoo opens at 10amLast admissionZoo closes
6th May -24th May4:00pm5:00pm
25th May – 2nd September 4:30pm5:30pm
3rd September – 3rd November 4:00pm5:00pm
4th November -30th November 3:00pm4:00pm
All of the above dates and closing times are subject to change.

Operating Hours: 

  • Some of our catering outlets will close at least one hour prior to our gates closing. Please visit our Food and Drink page for information.
  • Please note that our car park gates will close a maximum of 30 minutes after the zoo grounds closes.