Avian influenza update: 12/09/22
For the past 2 weeks, we have been working with APHA and Defra to investigate two cases of avian influenza found in our birds at Paignton Zoo. We are pleased to announce that we have now received confirmation from APHA that, having implemented a comprehensive range of enhanced biosecurity measures, we are now able to reopen. Paignton Zoo will therefore reopen to visitors on Wednesday 14th September.
This is fantastic news on many levels, although there still remains much to do in terms of continuing to keep our birds safe and well. We now have a number of approved bio secure quarantine areas on site, and the birds within them will undergo a programme of surveillance monitoring and testing to ensure that they remain healthy. Our team will continue to work in accordance with enhanced biosecurity standards throughout this quarantine period.
We have provided further details on avian influenza at Paignton Zoo, and what to expect when people next visit, on our newest blog. Visitors will notice that we have had to remove our captive birds from the main lake, and we no longer have peafowl free-roaming around the zoo. These birds (which are now in bio secure quarantine) were in contact with wild birds, and it will have been a sick wild bird that brought the avian influenza virus onto the site.
These have been an extraordinary couple of weeks during which people’s emotions, resilience and professionalism have been stretched to their limits. It is thanks to the phenomenal efforts of people from all departments that we are now in this position, and we once again send huge thanks to everyone who has helped to get us to this point. We also extend our gratitude for the very many messages and gestures of support that we have received these past weeks.
If you would like to support us in these challenging times please visit our Support Us section.