Making a will can be a sensitive issue, however if you die without making a will, the law will decide who inherits your estate.
Your will is one of the most important documents you will ever sign, and therefore it should receive the care and attention it deserves. Make sure you maintain the right to choose who benefits in the event of your death.
The best way to make a will is to speak to a lawyer and they will take you through the whole process, giving you the assurance that your affairs will be taken care of after your death.
When you make or update your will, it is important to take into consideration:
- Choosing the trusted people to deal with your estate
- Appointing a guardian for minor children
- Providing for those who are closest to you and who you wish to benefit
- How best to deal with more complex matters, such as second marriages
- Inheritance and other tax planning matters
- Stating wishes for your funeral
- Choosing any charities that you wish to benefit
If your family circumstances change, for example, if relatives die, if you marry or divorce, grandchildren arrive, or grown-up children’s marriages do not work out, you should review your will. If you have remarried since you made your last will, the previous one will have been revoked entirely.
Information kindly provided by Wollens.