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Ongoing updates and improvements

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240625 PZ Top Lake Greenery BC HR 5 scaled e1729585273354

Keep up to date with everything zoo-related here!

As a 80 acre site, there is always lots going on at Paignton Zoo. Here is where you can find out about all of the latest updates prior to your visit. Whether it be maintenance work, an exhibit closure or an animal off-show, we aim to keep you informed so that you have a great experience with us.

240412 PZ Maned Wolf LR AS

Can’t see animals right away?

There may be times when some of our animals may not be viewable at the exact time that you visit an exhibit as we not do not ‘force’ them to be ‘on-show’. If an animal is not immediately visible, they could be resting in their off-show area or somewhere out of view in their naturalistic exhibit, so please make time to pop back later in the day – it will be worth the wait!

Current projects



Due to the recent storm damage caused to the roof of our Reptile Tropics enclosure, we apologise that this exhibit will remain closed for the time being, while we work hard to make the necessary repairs.

Our two sloths, Mo and Ria, have been relocated to another enclosure as a precaution. This means that they will also be off-show to the public during this time.

Thank you for your understanding.


Some of your little ones might be excited to see some diggers around on site! There’s a handful of separate construction projects ongoing at the moment. We are very excited to be starting work on these new projects, and hope you will be too!

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