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Story Time for the ‘Mini Zoo Crew’

Story Time for the ‘Mini Zoo Crew’

PZ Library Readings LR 3

We’ve teamed up with Libraries Unlimited to offer our visitors some exclusive FREE events for the little people in their life! On the second Thursday of every month (excluding school holidays) Libraries Unlimited will be joining us at Paignton Zoo to run fun story sessions, songs and activities based on Animals and Conservation.

These activities will take place in the Sunbird Room at the end of the restaurant from 10.30am to 11.30am and are aimed at pre-school children aged 2.5 to 4 years.

Children must not be left unattended and adults are required to stay with the children and join in the activities. Pre-booking is not required.

Normal zoo admission prices apply.


12th September

10th October

14th November

LU Logo FullColour CMYK


Libraries Unlimited is the charity that runs the public library service in Devon and Torbay, including 54 libraries and 4 mobile libraries across the county.